Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Week of Anniversaries!

55 years ago today

Allen Ginsberg performed his poem Howl publicly for the first time. An excerpt for you:

Moloch the incomprehensible prison! Moloch the crossbone soulless jailhouse and Congress of sorrows! Moloch whose buildings are judgment! Moloch the vast stone of war! Moloch the stunned governments!
Moloch whose mind is pure machinery! Moloch whose blood is running money! Moloch whose fingers are ten armies! Moloch whose breast is a cannibal dynamo! Moloch whose ear is a smoking tomb!

You can read the full poem here, and an article on the anniversary from Progressive magazine.

70 years ago on Saturday

John Lennon, the great musician and activist, was born in Liverpool, England. Here's an interesting article "What if John Lennon had lived to see 70?"

And, of course, some of his beloved music:

Friday, September 17, 2010

We're Back!

Hey everyone, if you're reading this blog post, you hopefully got a copy of the newest issue of the CitiZine!

Due to technical difficulties, we were only able to print a very small number of copies for today, but we should have a bunch more all over campus on Monday! For now, it would be great if you could pass along your copy to all your friends to read!

Our featured activist on the cover is Joan Baez [pictured above with Bob Dylan], a folk singer born in 1941 who began her political involvement in the sixties. In 1963, Baez, along with Dylan, performed at the March on Washington for civil rights. She has taken up causes including civil rights, peace in the Middle East, GLBTQ rights, and opposition to the death penalty. Baez was involved in the protests against the Vietnam and Iraq wars, and her husband David Harris spent many years of their marriage in jail for his opposition to the Vietnam War draft. Check out her singing at the Newport Folk Festival:

Ok, we also promised you some information on those posters from CrimethInc. If you are one of the first 20 people to either comment on this blog post or email us at, we will send you a free poster (make sure to include your name in the email so we can address an envelope to you through campus mail). We have a bunch of copies of the posters featured here, so check them out to see what you could get!

One last thing: if you want to catch up on the old CitiZine issues, check out the online versions!

So, look out for more copies of this issue on Monday, and get pumped about a full-length issue coming soon!!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

"Love Protest"

This past weekend groups of Christians in 30 different cities demonstrated a sort of ''love protest'' for LGBTQ community by wearing shirts that say 'I'm sorry' and having signs reading 'I'm sorry for how the church has treated you'

The article can be found here!

We hope you enjoy it and participate in loving others as you would yourself.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Photo from cover of Pollen's In Defense of Food.

Although most of the writers at The CitiZine are vegetarians, we know there can be environmentally-friendly eating habits outside of that lifestyle. We wanted to share some tools to help you make eco-conscious decisions about what you eat as a flexetarian (eating more flexibly with regards to vegetarianism, but still are concerned about sustainability):

Not a Vegetarian?
There are many benefits to humans giving up meat ( has a list of nine convincing issues, and this 2008 Guardian article reports on a UN expert's call to reduce red meat consumption), but that doesn't mean you can't be a conscious meat-eater. If you love eating meat, perhaps consider more eco-friendly options at the grocery store, and focus on meat that is organic, grass-fed, or locally-produced. It is fairly difficult to find a simple resource on what meat is best for the environment, since most sites focus on giving up meat, but has this helpful tool for deciphering labels on food packages (i.e. What exactly does "free-range" mean?).

Eating Seafood Sustainably
What about seafood instead of red meat? Our aquatic ecosystems are in peril for a variety of reasons (oilspills, overfishing, pollution, etc.), but if you still crave seafood now and again there are ways to make choices without exploiting our ocean's resources. The Monterey Bay Aquarium has a Seafood Watch that makes recommendations for an environmentally-friendly meal. It rates the fishing or farming practices and organizes the results so that you can check whether your favorite seafood is a sustainable choice. There's even an iPhone app and printable format so that you can check while grocery shopping!

What Else?
If you are interested in learning more about sustainable food practices, we recommend a couple documentaries that discuss the issues of the food industry. Food, Inc. is an Academy Award-nominated documentary that follows different issues related to the environment and food corporations. No Impact Man is not solely focused on food, but buying locally and community gardens are part of the family's work towards living sustainably (you can also follow the No Impact Man blog:

Some books we've found helpful include:
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver
Ominvore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals by Michael Pollen
In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto by Michael Pollen

Any Recommendations?
Do you have any interesting articles or resources related to sustainable eating practices? Please comment and share with us!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Read Issue Six Online!

Thanks for visiting our blog! If you're interested in reading the BRAND NEW issue (our sixth!) then go to the online document at Scribd!

There's articles about Glenn Beck, the "R" word, the welfare system, Refuge, anarchism, and more!

So read through our online version of the CitiZine! If a lot of people read it there, we can save paper used for printing!!!

(It's all in order on Scribd, so you can "read through" it just like a paper copy!)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Special Issue

We're glad that you got a copy of the special issue. Keep an eye out next week for our final, full issue of the semester.

Here's the music video for the Derek Webb song "What Matters More"

What do you think about "What Matters More" and how do you think the Christian community should frame discussion on sexual orientation?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

We are Social Justice Christians.

A response to Glenn Beck's recent attacks against churches advocating social justice:

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Story of Bottled Water

Check out the new video from the Story of Stuff Project. It's the Story of Bottled Water that we all need to hear! You can either watch the short film on the website or here:

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Read all of our past issues!

We figure that many of you have only read a select few of the CitiZine issues, so here are links to a website where all of our issues can be read:


Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Issue 5

Monday, March 15, 2010

Thanks for reading our March 2010 Issue!

Wondering about the woman on our cover, Dr. Vandana Shiva? Here is Dr. Shiva's keynote address at the 2009 Organicology Conference in Portland, Oregon, on February 28, 2009:

You can also read an interview with Dr. Shiva at

Interested in ocean acidification? Here's the link to the Natural Resources Defense Council for more information!

In our article on rape at Eastern, we referenced this NPR investigation that debunks common myths about college and rape. Soon, we will blog about our conversation with Dr. Yolanda Turner about sex and the Christian community!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Olympic Roundup....Activism in Vancouver

Hey guys,

This video is from the Vancouver Media Co-Op which is a media source dedicated to activism and the truth in media. They give an in depth analysis of some really interesting things that the Olympics brought upon the people living in Vancouver. Hope you enjoy it!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Afghan Deaths are Tragedies, too

(image taken from
Yesterday NATO launched an attack that killed 27 innocent people in Afghanistan, mistaking a group of civilian vehicles for an enemy caravan. The dead include four women and a child, and twelve more Afghans were injured in the attack.

Thankfully, there is supposed to be an investigation which troops were specifically involved in this "accident" (I use quotations because I don't think the word can appropriately capture the scale of the tragedy).

The reason I thought it was important to post about this misguided attack, which has resulted in a terrible loss of life, is to point out the language we use when reporting civilian deaths in these foreign conflicts. General McChrystal condemned the NATO attack, but part of his reasoning was that "inadvertently killing or injuring civilians undermines their trust and confidence in our mission. We will redouble our efforts to regain that trust." There were also concerns that these deaths will be used as propaganda for the Taliban.

Do we have to use that kind of utilitarian rhetoric in our regrets for a loss of life? Why can't we acknowledge the horror that is our responsibility, without downplaying its significance by relating to how the affect on our plans in Afghanistan? It is a tragedy removed from any military tactics, and how it will conflict with our plans is completely secondary at this point. Our primary focus should be prayer for the families in Afghanistan and treating those civilian casualties as the horror it actually is to those on the ground in Afghanistan.

When 30 people are killed in America (like at Virginia Tech), it is considered a "massacre". When 30 nameless Afghans are killed in an airstrike, it's a "mistaken attack" or "accident". This disconnect allows for the American public to coldly accept the inevitable facts of war, instead of recognizing the very real tragedies that should shock us.

We want to express our deep sympathy for the people of Afghanistan and regret for our nation's responsibility, as a member of NATO, in the unjustifiable deaths of innocent civilians.

Friday, February 12, 2010

The Ordinary Radicals and Another World is Possible

Hey guys,

I'd like to draw everyone's attention to two great documentaries that delve into the ideas and issues surrounding social justice in the world that we live in. If you've never seen them you definitely need to check them out.

The Ordinary Radicals --


Another World is Possible --

Feel free to order a copy for yourself online to support the efforts of Jamie Moffett and his crew.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Concerns About January 2010 Issue

We have recently received a few responses about the recent issue and just wanted to share some of those concerns with all of you.

A response to Malleable Eastern Student and Kilgore Wilson,
I wanted to address your pieces in the recent Citizine about service learning and complacency on campus. I will focus primarily on the service learning bit, but Kilgore, please don't disregard this as not pertaining to you at all, as the general message of my response to Malleable is very much along the same line of thought for you. Let's begin.

Dorothy Day once said that “Words are as strong and powerful as bombs, as napalm.” And she's right, words are powerful…or at least they have the potential to be. However, these words need to be thought out and presented well. A brief emotional quip of cynicism, worthy of a personal diary on a bad day, will not suffice. The point of writing something shouldn't be to meet a deadline or to piss and moan about an often grieved topic. Yes, Eastern struggles with striving for Justice and we can bemoan that until we are beating a dead horse (if we aren't already). We can bitch about how all YACHT does is hand out sandwiches and we can complain about how requiring service learning may not exactly be enacting justice and it probably won't live up to its full purpose or potential because there will be unwilling participants that show up to “serve” because they are required to.
Sure. Right. We get it. Required service is paradoxical. Handing out sandwiches does not eradicate homelessness or address the root structural problems behind homelessness and poverty. Yet, what are the alternatives? Is the only outlet available to those who take issue with these two things writing cynical, sarcastic, and condescending jests? (If so, then the CitiZine will have lost its appeal.) Does this not reek of the same creative lacking of those who mindlessly take-part in these things? Is it not actually worse?

Let me explain how it is worse: Those who take part in the “compulsory service program” in “blind obedience” don't seem to acknowledge that fact. Are they to be held accountable for the ignorance of their own ignorance? Yet, those who steep with frustration about the “progressive and forward thinking[ness]” of Eastern have failed to prescribe any progressive alternatives or solutions to the issues they have so easily (and eagerly) diagnosed. In regards to Eastern's mandatory service learning, many concerns were raised that seemed to lack a real point, purpose, and even an overall general substance outside of the defeatist tone in which it was presented. My next few comments will be made under the general assumptions that: Eastern students weren't forced to come here, students of Eastern University did their research and knew what to expect upon coming here (understood Eastern's reputation for being social-justice-conscious), are Christ followers, and carry just as much baggage as any other 18 or 19 year old (or whatever-year-old) about to enter university:
1.If you don't like what Eastern is about, no one is forcing you to stay.
2.If you feel that Eastern was advertised falsely to you—which may be a legitimate concern—this is still not grounds for spouting off gloomy rants without a single helpful suggestion.
3.If you feel that Eastern has great potential to work for justice and the current methodology isn't sufficient or could be adjusted or changed in any beneficial way, then address that with the appropriate people (Julie Elliott, Andy Horvath, Bettie Ann Brigham, Dr. Hall, Dr. Black, or Dr. King, to name a few) as I'm sure they would be more than happy to discuss these matters with you.
4.If you feel that Eastern thinks they have what justice is nailed down pat, then I'm not sure you've grasped the point of the Justice class, Justice reader, service learning, or even the one third of INST 150 that is focused on Justice. As none of these Justice oriented items are attempting to spoon-feed you what Justice is as if it were some simplistic definition to be learned. Perhaps it is the fear of engaging in the process of justice seeking that has you so (seemingly) upset. Though I will tell you that justice is not a formula. And while it is discouraging to take a mandatory justice class with others who might not appear to care as much, no matter how many dreary soliloquy's you write, they will not make the class more bearable or the conversation more helpful and uplifting.

Side note (and the only personal rant of my own): there are scores and scores, plethora upon plethora of theology books, yet I'm pretty sure that no one thinks we've figured God out, so don't you think the whole “I mean, why would we have a university-created justice textbook if we didn't think we had it pretty figured out” comment might have been an unnecessary cheap shot)?

Overall, I'm not really sure how either of your pieces helped. I've been looking for what the message behind the piece is, but I can't seem to find it. I do know that it didn't help your problems with Eastern's approach to Justice (in any of the aforementioned realms), it didn't help Eastern students be more creative about how they approach justice, it didn't help make caring about justice seem appealing to those who don't. It didn't help Eastern. It didn't help the CitiZine. It didn't help you (unless you take joy in passive aggressive cowardice by hiding behind the ambiguous title of “Malleable Eastern Student”). Simply stated, it didn't help.

I have a few suggestions for the two of you:
1.Think before you write.
2.Don't allow yourself to write anything that doesn't have some sort of positive alternative/outcome (it's depressing).
3.Stay away from generalizations and research what you're presenting prior to publishing it.
4.Stay away from sarcastic condescension as it makes what your writing distasteful.
5.Explain your ideas further, don't assume that people will understand your train of thought. (This isn't to say that they can't disagree, they can. But if they can't understand your point, how will they ever be able to disagree to begin with?)
6.Don't criticize one of the most active groups on campus simply because they aren't doing enough. YACHT has struggled with how to deal with the root problems of homelessness as college students since its genesis. They're not content either. (Though there is something just about befriending and dignifying those whom are marginalized and neglected.)
7.Don't be afraid to pioneer new, progressive, intuitive, and helpful approaches to fighting both injustice and complacency. Don't wait for someone else to think of something so that you can follow. If it bothers you enough, you'll think of something (otherwise you might not actually care all that much).
8.Try to be humble in your argument for no one likes listening to Mr. Bullhorn guy tell them everything they're doing wrong.
9.If you fail to come to conclusions or how to do things differently, end your piece with an invitation to dialogue further with those who are also struggling to sort things out. Perhaps together you can find what you are looking for.
10.If you don't want to do #9 then at least end with something thought provoking to get the mental juices of your reader flowing.

I'm thankful that Eastern has the courage to have Justice in their mission statement as it means they will often face critiques of this nature. I'm also thankful that they put it out there in the open, so that they can be held accountable (hopefully) when they are falling short. I'm thankful that YACHT attempts to do something about homelessness—I'm not sure they think they're doing all they can or are successfully fighting the structures of homelessness—rather than just simply sit back apathetically and hope for bigger and better things post-grad or resolve to do nothing because it isn't going to fix the problem. Something of quality is better than nothing. It's admirable that you're passionate, that much is quite easy to see, but next time you are frustrated or are rushing against a deadline, write something when you're not under that stress (even if that means you don't have something in this issue of the CitiZine.) Consider this: you aren't writing for yourself (that's what a journal or a diary is), but you're writing for a reader. And if you aren't appealing to your reader because you haven't made the time to consider what you're writing, then perhaps it's not worth sharing after all...

Just wanted to share this and let our readers know that we are taking this into consideration and will address this head on.

The CitiZine

Thursday, February 4, 2010

January 2010 Issue!!

If you're reading this, we're hoping you got a hold of the January 2010 issue of the CitiZine!
(If you want a copy and didn't get one, send us an email at and we'll email you a pdf or mail you a copy!)

Howard Zinn (1922-2010)
Find out more about the man featured on this issue's cover:

Here are some links to information regarding Congressman Joe Sestak, who spoke at Eastern on Monday, Feb. 1, as mentioned in today's CitiZine issue.

Ok, so we'd also like to hear your response to our article about adding sexual orientation to Eastern's non-discrimination policy. Do you think the phrase should be added?

Monday, February 1, 2010

Citizine's First Paper

This is the web address for the Citizine's first paper.

More will come!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Writers and Artists at Eastern:

Don't forget that the CitiZine takes submissions from students at Eastern!

We would like to share your artwork and/or ideas, so feel free to send us your work! If you want to contribute to the conversation at Eastern, you can email us at:

On a separate note, we just want to encourage you to still have Haiti in your prayers. It has been almost three weeks since the earthquake hit, and sometimes it is easy to lose interest after the initial shock wears off. There are still people suffering, who will continue to suffer in many ways for a long time to come, and they need prayers and physical support.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Phil Ochs!

Here's a great song by Phil Ochs, a protest singer in the 1960s, called "I ain't marching anymore":

Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!

In April of 1960, Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote an essay called "Pilgrimage to Nonviolence". Here is a link to the full essay (it is worth reading the whole article), and some select quotations. Let us not forget King's convictions about pacifism and how they drove the movement, and let us consider how he would respond to war mongering among Christians today.

"During recent months I have come to see more and more the need for the method of nonviolence in international relations. While I was convinced during my student days of the power of nonviolence in group conflicts within nations, I was not yet convinced of its efficacy in conflicts between nations. I felt that while war could never be a positive or absolute good, it could serve as a negative good in the sense of preventing the spread and growth of an evil force. War, I felt, horrible as it is, might be preferable to surrender to a totalitarian system. But more and more I have come to the conclusion that the potential destructiveness of modem weapons of war totally rules out the possibility of war ever serving again as a negative good. If we assume that mankind has a right to survive, then we must find an alternative to war and destruction. In a day when sputniks dash through outer space and guided ballistic missiles are carving highways of death through the stratosphere, nobody can win a war. The choice today is no longer between violence and nonviolence. It is either nonviolence or nonexistence."

Monday, January 4, 2010

Following Evo Morales

Evo Morales, the first indigenous president of Bolivia, was reelected in early December and is continuing to bring change to the nation. It is interesting to see him become more active and outspoken in the international community, like his recent role in the Copenhagen talks on climate change and his work instituting land reform.

During an address to other world leaders, Morales stated that any increase in global temperature over 1 degree Celsius would cause a holocaust in Africa. Here is a video interview from Democracy Now! with Evo Morales, where he makes the connection between capitalism and destruction of our climate:

Yesterday, NPR published a story on Evo Morales and his agrarian reform. He promised during his campaign to distribute land among Bolivia's poor, and has already begun working towards that goal. Listen to the story here.
